April 15th bought a new Subaru Outback. Retired from PPLD on April 18 and started packing up all my furniture and stuff. Too much stuff. Put what I'm keeping in storage; gave a bunch to Catholic Charities; and loaded travel necessities into the Subu (the kitchen box, the wardrobe box, the housing box). And left Colorado Springs on Wednesday, May 27 as an officially transient traveler. It took a while to break the gravitational force of Colorado Springs what with various
errands, lunch and such, sooooooo my 1st night out was spent in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Go Sherrill! The next 2 days were spent driving, driving, driving across Nebraska and a chunk of South Dakota. A landscape relatively devoid of interest. But, in Alliance, Nebraska I saw this huge farm machinery dealership and had to take some pix (maybe you had to be there). I've already begun to view McDonald's as my friend (this is so wrong in so many ways). Local diners to date have proven to be unfortunate choices for food and I've already swore off coffee.
In Minneapolis I've hung out with my son, seen my granddaughter gradute from high school at the Target Center (basketball venue)