Sunday, June 21, 2009

Catch Up

Well it's taken 2 nights to get that last entry sent. It's now Sunday, June 21. I have moved on to Port Townsend and am having my first hostel dorm room experience; 7 in the room.

This morning after I packed up the tent I did the Dungeness National Wildlife Refugee 'Spit' walk. Which means a 5 miles one way hike on the beach to the lighthouse (which means 5 miles back). The weather was nice for the first time, sunni-ish and not too windy just a nice beach breeze. I went about 4 to 4 1/4 miles out and decided I didn't really need to actually go to the lighthouse so took my time ambling back. Glad I did by the time I got back to the trailed it was getting cool and windy and the tide was coming in. Good day; I have red cheeks.

Tomorrow should be a down day. They have real people beaches here and the broadband works. I'll also cross the line and hang out at the library during the day (hostel lock out 10:30-5:00). What am I doing!?

Hope all is well with everyone


  1. read your past 2 cool...i'm soo jealous (did i already say that before?). I know the hostel may seem like craziness, but just think of all the interesting experiences you are having!?!??! looking forward to where the journey leads next!

  2. Hey Shrrill: I'm still trying to join up to your blog. So many attempts, so much failure . . patience my friend.

  3. Oh My . . . I made it! Your writing is wonderful. I just love your dry sense of humor. I'll be signing in regularly now. Keep traveling, this is just great! Hey, don't forget to take a side trip or two with someone you meet up with . . . a new friend for just a short time! Here's a bit of recollection that just make you a tad homesick:
    Last night after attending our local Sky Sox minor league baseball game (SkySox team attempting to beat the Portland Beavers), booorrring . . . James and I got to Palmer Park just in time to watch the most electrifying and astonishing lightening storm we've seen in many years. We have regular displays of sky anger here throughout summer you'll fondly recall. Colorado sports the most beautiful, big skies whether stormy or clear, you'll fondly recall. We, along with other storm watchers, stopped illegally where low bushes permitted a view of the sky exploding over night lights of the city. The show went on forever in every direction. It was such a peaceful feeling. It bothers me that I can't hold onto those instantaneous flashes and recall their every incredible detail later on. I wonder; as we'll be flying to Bethany Beach, Delaware on July 4th, perhaps we'll see regular fireworks from the plane as we land in Baltimore! I sure hope so.
