First shot of Devil's Tower, the 1st National Monument.
It's so incredible (1267' high) it's all been worth it. When I got to Hullett which is a few miles before the Monument, I checked into a hotel (it's still cold and rainy)and even though fried from the days' drive just had to run down the road for a peek. I'm so glad I did. Next day, rain and fog again, headed through the Black Hills toward Cody. In Cody had dinner at the Proud Cut Saloon - at the bar of course- and got talking with a woman who publishes illustrated maps (on my left) and a local old timer (on my right); it was a hoot. Next morning (Wednesday) on my way to Yellowstone and still hoping to hit good weather. Ha.
drove around the West Thumb of Yellowstone Lake and started checking out the geysers and other misc. thermal activity. It's sort of challenging to take pix of geysers when it's cold and windy - billows of steam blowing all around fogging lens, making hands and faces wet, so freezing... even though I loved it, pix aren't so great. I was going to abandon Yellowstone and try again some other year but ended up getting a(the last)room in the park, so I stayed at Roosevelt Cabins and next day got a campsite and took a 2 hour trail ride which was really more like 2.5 hours. I haven't ridden a horse in many,many years. It was a very long ride. Took a handful of aspirin as soon as I got to the car and more at bedtime, so was able to walk next day. ouch.
The woman in the campsite across from mine, same age as me, is here from Germany camping around the west for 3 weeks. Saturday met some folks from Florida on a tour (our female driver was the most completely androgynous person I have ever, ever met - appearance, vocal quality and attitude- it was driving us all crazy) had dinner together, watching the rain pouring down. Bison(many), elk (multitudes) and grizzles (3 times)oh my! Saw some great stuff, went to several good ranger talks, met some good people and am glad I stuck it out. Today (Sunday) I've moved on to Idaho Falls to get the car serviced tomorrow and then going to Craters of the Moon National Monument via route 20 west. The entire time I was in Yellowstone was unable to access the internet even though they're said to have improved wifi service - guess just not anywhere I went. It was a little weird being cut off from the internet for nearly a week when not planned. Hopefully rest of trip I'll be able to find places where the broadband works. Wish me good weather. Please.
