Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Italy:Been there, Done that
Friday, August 7, 2009
Outta' Here
I have my luggage down to a wheeled backpack and my bag/purse thingie. What that really means is that after Italy most of my good clothes will be shipped home and I'll reload by buying appropriate gear when I get to India.
The first thing I need to do when I get there is book a flight from Venice to Rome on the morning of August 24 so that I get to Rome in time to catch my flight to Dubia. For some reason Kathmandu will be via Dubai. And then the real fun begins because I'll need to find the train to take me to the station near the hotel in Rome . I have directions that seem reasonable but you never know.
From here on in posts to the blog will be conditional on finding internet cafes.
Stay tuned, pray that the gods of 'sense of direction' find me and take pity.
I'm off to Italy to eat! You guys pray for me ( need all the help I can get) and we'll see how 'love' turns out.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Big Stay
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Big Trouble
And cormorants, and murres, and other
birdy creatures (saw them all through binoculars and got close up viewing and photos later on at the Oregon Aquarium where they have an aviary with local birds). It was windy and cold
really fascinating to see all the tidal
pool critters in addition to the birds.
July 14
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
It's Been That Long?
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Catch Up
This morning after I packed up the tent I did the Dungeness National Wildlife Refugee 'Spit' walk. Which means a 5 miles one way hike on the beach to the lighthouse (which means 5 miles back). The weather was nice for the first time, sunni-ish and not too windy just a nice beach breeze. I went about 4 to 4 1/4 miles out and decided I didn't really need to actually go to the lighthouse so took my time ambling back. Glad I did by the time I got back to the trailed it was getting cool and windy and the tide was coming in. Good day; I have red cheeks.
Tomorrow should be a down day. They have real people beaches here and the broadband works. I'll also cross the line and hang out at the library during the day (hostel lock out 10:30-5:00). What am I doing!?
Hope all is well with everyone
Friday, June 19, 2009
Happy Place
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 8, 2009
2nd Thoughts
Since my last report further high jinx in Minneapolis included the obligatory vist to Mall of America; lunch at a lakeside(Minnetonka)marina (the place was jumpin on a sunny Thursday afternoon and it seemed like everyone was there), had a touristly correct walleye sandwich; a visit to an exhibit at the Walker in Minneapolis (The sculpture garden is pretty cool and comprehendible; the art in the museum not so. Either these 3 Wyeth's are philistines or we have a genetic aversion to modern art).
What have I learned?
- No matter which way I want to go on 62 in Minneapolis-I will get turned around
- The joy of taking down a wet tent.
- The weather gods are agin' me- this pix is my South Dakota, grey and raining
- Camping in cold is not fun, in rain is not fun but both at the same time is uncalled for
- Cell phones can demagnitize hotel door swipe cards
- The new Subarus are a little more precious than necessary
- It's wise to make sure you have your camera with you (I missed to great shot of a buffalo calf nursing mom with a bird on her back)
- The west has big weather - miserable from Minnesota through South Dakota and beyond
- Road bugs really stick to white cars
- And, I'm not a good tourist
Re my precious car - it went into full 'Danger! Danger! Will Robinson." mode - the cruise control was flashing and wouldn't work (how does anyone drive without cruise control?), the 'check engine' light was on and etc. So I had to track down the nearest dealership and get it calmed down. All that just because I got a little distracted and forgot to put the gas cap back on after a pit stop!
Friday was travel, Saturday car maintenance, and Sunday just more cold, rain and fog. It finally cleared out this morning, Monday, so I did see Crazy Horse (he's got a head but not much else) and rushed to the presidents before they disappeared again. It was a short visit. Also visited Jewel Cave but didn't want to wait 3.5 hours for the good tour; took the cheap one and want my 4$ back.
So, my visits to Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse Memorial and area were less than amazing, barely interesting actually. Part of the problem was that since I was there I thought it would be a good idea to hang around until it stopped raining in order to see something. So I did. Happens again I'll just move on. But, I drove up to Devil's Tower this evening and just love it! Something about it just makes me grin. So South Dakota is forgiven and Wyoming is on my good side. I'll start off the day tomorrow with another visit to the Tower and then head for Yellowstone. I'll hit my car's first 3,500 miles around then so there'll be a visit to the Subaru folks in Jackson.
I'm seriously hoping that the weather will improve very soon- I heard that it was 37 this afternoon at my target Yellowstone camping area- because I'm hoteling way more than intended. No fun in that, but no fun in being miserable either.
Hope I have more to report next time. All hail decent hotels with wifi!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
First Thoughts
In Minneapolis I've hung out with my son, seen my granddaughter gradute from high school at the Target Center (basketball venue)